How Personal Brand Photography Can Boost Your Business And Your Brand.

You don't need to be an entrepreneur, founder or small business owner to know how important it is to have a strong brand. Your brand represents who you are, what you stand for, and what makes you unique. 

But have you considered the role that personal branding photography can play in elevating your brand and your business? In this article, I'll explain what personal branding photography is, why it's important, and how it can help take you and your business to the next level.

What Is Personal Branding?

There are loads of definitions out there but think of it like this. Your brand is how you make people feel when they come into contact with you. This could be in person or online. You’ll always make an impression. So why not make it a good one?

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos says “Your Personal Brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” It’s a perfect quote.

There’s so much that goes in to building a strong personal brand which has to come together to work well. There’s no doubt that personal branding photography is a major part of the process, especially when so much of what we do today is online. 

What is Personal Branding Photography?

Personal brand photography is a style of photography that focuses on capturing the essence of you and your personal brand. It involves working with a professional branding photographer to create a collection of images that showcase your personality, style, and values. 

These images can be used across your website, social media, marketing materials, and more to help you build a strong and consistent brand identity and attract the audience you want to.

Unlike traditional headshots, personal branding photography is not just about capturing an image of your face. It's about telling a story and creating a visual representation of who you are as a person and as a brand. This means the images will often include not just portraits, but also candid shots that capture you in your element, doing what you do best.

Why Personal Branding Photography Is Important.

In today's digital age, professional photography has become more important than ever. With so many businesses competing for attention online, it's essential to have a strong and memorable brand that stands out from the crowd. 

The right images can help you achieve this by creating a visual representation of your brand that is unique, compelling, and memorable.

Studies show that people are more likely to engage with brands that use visual content, and branding photography provides just that. By using high-quality images that show your personality and style, you can create a connection with your audience that goes beyond words.

How to Make Branding Photography Work For You.

Having the right images can have a huge impact on your business and your brand in several ways. Firstly, it can help you attract more clients and customers by creating a strong and memorable brand identity. When people see your images, they should be able to immediately recognize your brand and what you stand for. 

Additionally, personal branding photography will help you stand out in a crowded market. By creating a unique and compelling visual identity, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and position yourself as a leader in your industry. This can help you attract more high-quality clients and customers who are willing to pay a premium for your products or services. Just what we want, right?

TIP: Most people don’t make the effort to get their photography working for them. With a little effort it’s an easy win to stand out in your sector. 

Finally, brand photography can help you build trust and credibility with your audience. By showcasing your personality and values, you can create a connection with your audience that goes beyond just your products or services. This can help you build a loyal following that will support your business over the long term.

Finding The Right Photographer

I can’t stress how important getting this right is. There are thousands of professional photographers out there so how do you find the right one for you?

You need to consider things like style, personality, experience etc.

My golden rules for finding the right professional photographer are:

1.     Check they can shoot the style you’re looking for. Go to their portfolio, social media or ask for examples.

2.     Use an expert. If they specialise in weddings or newborn photography maybe they aren’t the right choice for the best branding photos. 

3.     What do others say about them? Check their reviews and testimonials.

4.     Will you get along with them? Book in chat. (I let my clients do that here.) Get a feel for them as a person, ask questions and make sure you’ll enjoy working with them.

5.     Communication. Is it clear and honest? Don’t deal with wishy washy numpties!

How Much Is A Branding Photoshoot?

Branding photoshoot packages and pricing can vary depending on the photographer, location, project scope, deliverables etc.

Let’s look at the most common branding photography pricing options.

1.     Hourly / half day / full day rates – these can work well but you need to be really clear on what’s achievable within the set timeframes. It may be that what you need is going to end up costing a lot more than you thought. 

2.     Studio fee – this is a fee you’d pay in advance which is usually quite small. You’d then just pay for any images you wanted from the session. This can very quickly get out of hand if you end up loving more photos than you thought! 

3.     Photoshoot Packages – this is how I work. (download my packages brochure). Set packages that include a certain number of edited images. This is a great way to keep costs under control and it’s clear from the start what you can expect to get back.  You can always discuss a more customized package if you need something different and you can always buy extra shots if you want to. 

My Packages start from £460 and can be booked here.

When researching branding photography packages and pricing, it's important to consider the value you are getting for your investment. This means looking beyond just the number of images and considering things such as the quality of the images, the experience of the photographer, the ease of working with them and the level of customer service you can expect.

It's also important to remember that personal branding photography is an investment in you, your business and your brand. Whilst it may seem expensive upfront, the long-term benefits of having strong and memorable brand images can far outweigh the initial outlay. Don’t get hung up on the cost. Focus on the outcomes!

Top Tips For A Successful Photoshoot

So you’ve found your perfect photographer. What next? You need to get ready.

This is a lot easier than you think. I work with clients who are a total bag of nerves in the run up to a shoot but here’s how to get ready in style. 

One word: PREPARE!

Be clear on what you want to achieve. You know your brand, you’ve chatted about it to the photographer and you both have a clear idea on what you want. Mood boards can help if you like to visually prepare. Pintrest is great for this.

Know what you’re going to wear. Make sure it fits, make sure it’s pressed and ready to go. Have back up options. Think about any brand colours you want to use and think about any accessories you want to use.

Know where you’re going. Getting lost will make you stress out. So check where you’re going and be clear on how you’re getting there. Don’t wing it on the day.

Finally, breathe and relax. It can feel awkward and be a nerve wracking experience but remember why you’re doing it. Trust the photographer, get into it and enjoy the experience. 

Let's Chat About Your Brand Photoshoot?

Personal branding photography is a powerful tool for both business and individuals looking to elevate their brand and their online presence. By creating a collection of images that shows your personality, style, and values, you can create a strong and memorable brand identity that resonates with your audience.

With the right approach, branding photography can help you attract more clients, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and build a loyal following that will support your business over the long term. And lucky for you it's what I love helping my clients with!

If you're interested in a personal branding photoshoot or a business photography session in the Southampton or Portsmouth area feel free to reach out for a chat, I'd love to hear from you. I also hold branding shoots and headshot sessions in London. Lets's talk!